How to prepare a Quality System Plan for implementation of the new regulation SOR/2020-262

Quality System Planning and Implementation Video

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine what changes have been made to a standard, guidance, or regulation and you have to manually compare the differences between the documents. It isn’t the most exciting task in the world, but something that most regulatory professionals have probably done or will do at least once…

Not included in the picture below is the Remarkable 2 Tablet covered in notes as well.

Quality Plan – 12 Steps

Provided below is a checklist of the 12 steps for preparing your Quality System Plan for implementing SOR/2020-262. It has been in Microsoft Word format so that you may save the file to your computer and alter the header information to include/adopt this document into your QMS through your DCN process if you wish. Once completed and signed it will also serve as a record of your QMS planning and implementation.